Bader (Right) Smiles With A Friend At A Job Site Where He His Business Has Been Contracted. / Iraq
Bader, 42, is a successful business-owner who, like Astera, fled northern Syria with his family in October 2011. “We came to Erbil seeking refuge but had nothing, and so I started with any work that was available,” he said. Bader lost a stable job a year ago and wondered how he would provide for his family, which includes two sick daughters. After seeing a brochure advertising the KasNazan Job Center, Bader qualified for the business incubator that provides training on entrepreneurship. After receiving a grant provided with the support of the European Regional Development and Protection Programme, Bader and his business partner were able to start a small construction enterprise. “Now, I have my own business with my partner and we are providing work opportunities to four other people,” Bader said. “I’m not working for anyone else anymore.” And with a second baby on the way, he says he no longer has to worry about paying for diapers either.