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Clarifications and answers submitted to the Call for New Partnerships before 7th of February...
اقرأ المزيد
Please note that we have increased the budget available for Livelihoods in Jordan and Child Labour i...
اقرأ المزيد
شاهد جميع الأخبار
وهذا من خلال تقييم وتحليل تأثير النزوح على اللاجئين والمجتمعات المضيفة وتوفير مدخلات من اجل تخطيط طويل المدى وأيضا من خلال دعم و تعزيز حقوق اللاجئين.
يسعى برنامج الـ RDPP الى تعزيز الفرص الاقتصادية وقدرات سبل العيش من خلال خلق فرص عمل وتنمية المشاريع التجارية.
يسعى برنامج الـ RDPP إلى تعزيز حماية اللاجئين من خلال الدعم القانوني وتمكين المجتمعات والتخفيف من حدة النزاعات ومكافحة عمل الأطفال وتعزيز قدرات المؤسسات الوطنية للحماية واللجوء.
"The RDPP confidence in our ability to identify and improve our gaps has given us the necessary space to do what needed to be done, without being micromanaged but instead with the exact support and guidance we needed. Our organisational growth and capacity development is our mission and goal, and we will continue to invest in this area beyond the RDPP partnership to be able to provide best services possible to our various beneficiary groups".
In an era where technology is sweeping, digital working models open new opportunities, especially for young labour force as they provide new revenues, more flexible working hours, and reduce dependency on local economies. Where online, remote work may have been a prerogative for a relatively low proportion of labour force, the COVID-19 outbreak has made it a new normal. Despite its massive negative global economic impact, the pandemic has also contributed to catalysation of digital transformation and opened the doors wider for the expansion and creation of new digital jobs.